29 March 2016


Being back in my home country calls for a lot of smaller adventures with friends I haven't seen in a while. The weather is getting better, I'm getting a break from cooking and life is generally good. I'm excited for another three weeks of train rides, walks, coffee and friends.

27 March 2016



Four days after my arrival in Norway, I realise how quick time goes by. I feel like I've been driving from one place to another, driving through the woods, visiting friends and family. There's no other way I would rather spend my easter.

24 March 2016


My generation is referred to as 'the perfect generation', because of our strive for perfection. I had my moment of realisation that this is a very true statement as I sat on the plane writing down my to do-list for my three and a half weeks back in Norway. During my time home I’ve planned to

Plan a small gathering of friends
Horse riding
Work out
Get tan (artificially, kind of)
Start a new diet/get healthy
Go through my finance
Do my school work
Find dates for future travels
Plan purchases for a weekend in Copenhagen
Get some essential to do-s ticked off
Apply for jobs
Read 2 books

...and of course have fun.

Our generation is very hard working, which I do think is a good thing. However, when I look at my ridiculous to do-list for my three weeks home, I made myself quite a few ridiculous tasks. I keep over-planning everything. I’m stuck now thinking about what to wear in four days, because the next three days are planned already.

‘The perfect generation’...
Our 19 year old self does not need to know what we want in life. We do have time to slack off for a bit. We choose not to, it seems. I hope that, in a few years, I’ll look back at these days and remember wandering around my town at 1am or putting a smile on someone’s face, rather than finally checking 50 tasks off my to do-list.

17 March 2016


I know that by writing this, and being provoked by this, I'm doing exactly what I want the media not to do, and that is giving Anders Behring Breivik attention.

Ever since 22nd July 2011, I've had one thought at the mention of his name, and that is do not give this man what he wants. In this case; media attention. Of course, this incident is important to cover, and my personal opinion is that the Norwegian people handlet it well. The entire population came together, and showed compassion and solidarity. It is important to remember the lost souls from Utøya, but this man has expressed his need for media coverage. And he keeps on getting it.

I believe that the media play such an important role in society, that even though his actions and complaints might make up a good news story, they should not run with it. We know that he has access to news, and I don't doubt, even for a split second, that nothing gives him more joy than reading his name in the news. Him complaining about prison, that it apparently violates human rights... I'm sorry, but complaining about human rights when you killed 77 people, does not make sense. His greeting in court is a call for attention, and he keeps getting it. He will read about this in the news, and he will be pleased. And the media will keep writing about him...

The least we can do is not to fulfill this wish.

10 March 2016


“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
- Vincent Van Gogh

Life is truly a beautiful thing. Whether it's early morning coffees, daytime city strolls, 1 am cupcakes or 3 am lone art sessions.

I do my best to treasure the memories. I want them at the back of my head and shining through what I do. For in the darkest of times, they are important to keep close.

I had a new years resolution to take more pictures, write more and do more art. I’ve got 9 months to make it happen.